Rebirth Soft Studio - Argumented Software برنامه ها

Fruit Live Wallpaper 1.0
Eating fruit means losing weight and stayinghealthy !This animated wallpaper will help you remember to eat lots ofhealthy fruits with animated fruits! :)Installation:1)press a free space of your screen until a menu will appear2)select wallpaper3)select live wallpaper4)select Fruit live wallpaper5)select use this or use the setting button to set yourpreferencesThank you
Air Messages 10.10.10
Air Message© technologies bring a kind ofcommunication : geospatial messages between users. This is acompletly revolutionary idea that mix maps, social network andinstant messangers ideas.The App has been released for the first time on BlackBerry BetaZone and thousands of users have tried it. The developer hasrecieved useful feedbacks and he has improved his new App that isalmost ready for the release.The main idea is the geospatial communication. Users can chatfreely and throw messages (there is also the possibility to throwhidden messages).If an user picks a message it will disappear. He/She can pick amessage only if he/she is in range of ~100km from it and then readthe hidden message inside.Every user can throw a message away randomly, indeed themessages can travel around the world with users’ help! If a messageis very popular…something will happen!There are five types of icons to indicate the message presenceand the geographical position on the global map. Moreover AirMessages has now an improved map stability and speed.There is also an Advertising program: Business owners canpromote their business with their custom pins for a very specialprice.Using this app you accept the Terms of Services listedhere: and changelog:+You can meet friends around the world and share your BBMpins+User can chat freely in every message+You can pick a message and read the hidden message inside ifyou're in range of ~100km from it.+If you pick a message it will disappear.+You can throw a message away from you randomly, open a chat withusers around the world. If a message become very popular..something will happen!+ "BBM Pin" for easily search for friends around the globe!+ Whatsapp, Telegram and Facebook pins for let people knowyou.+ Air Message Advertise Program: Business owners can promote theirbusiness with their custom pins for a very special price.Air Messages team reject the responsability on your contents:user contents are unmoderated.Please be polite and correct.Using this app you accept the Terms of Services listedhere:
Watchdog Surveillance App 1.0
Watchdog Camera - the first truly surveillancesystem for your phoneWith this application you can leave your phone in a safe hiddenplace and every time this application detects movement, it willsend an email with the instant photo of the scene.How use it :1)Open the program2)press the setting button in the bottom right of the screen3)set your valid GMAIL account with username and password that willsend the email4)set the receiver address5)Press ConfirmYou are ready to leave your phone in safe place.Wait the Movement button to become green for auto-stabilize withactual light condition.-This application need a VALID GMAIL account , I reccommend tocreate a new one for this purpose at application required an internet connection.-
Sharingan Eye Live Wallpaper 8.0
Sharingan Eye Live Wallpaper for Android 2.1+Hypnotize your friends with a cool animated live wallpaper inspiredto famous anime4 type of sharingan eves available :1)Sasuke Uchiha Sharingan2)Sasuke Uchiha Mangekyō Sharingan3)Itachi Uchiha Mangekyō Sharingan4)Kakashi SharinganUse the Mangekyō button to improve sharingan type!Red Madara and blue Paine version available,you can personalize the background color , the rotating speed ,accelerate with your finger and much more!Installation1)After download , press a free space with your finger of yourhomescreen until a menu will appear2)elect Wallpaper Select Live Wallpaper3)Select Sharingan Live Wallapaper4)Press "Use This" or "Setting" button for set yourpreferences.
S6 Ghost Live Wallpaper 1.0
Ghost Live Wallpaper for you!A real scary live animated wallpaper!the famous ghost flattering in your screen awww what scary! it willenjoy you and your friends!you can touch it and personalize as you want!Installation:1)press a free space of your screen until a menu will appear2)select wallpaper3)select live wallpaper4)select Ghost live wallpaper5)select use this or use the setting button to set yourpreferences
Kuroyukihime Butterfly Live 1.0
Kuroyukihime Butterfly Live Wallpaper inspiredto fantastic anime accel world!A cute butterfly inside your screen!You can start/stop pixels rain, stop the fly of the butterfly ,and much more!Installation:1)press a free space of your screen until a menu will appear2)select wallpaper3)select live wallpaper4)select kuroyukihime Butterfly live wallpaper5)select use this or use the setting button to set yourpreferencesThanks
Pixel City Live Wallpaper 6.0
A retro style live wallpaper based on pixelanimated little landscapes that react to your touch and change withactual can personalize it as you want!Installation:1)press a free space of your screen until a menu will appear2)select wallpaper3)select live wallpaper4)select Pixel City live wallpaper5)select use this or use the setting button to set yourpreferencesThanks
Say Yay Stay Happy ! 3.0
a little bijoux for your all :)it's a colorful and happy live wallpaper!"Yay" is an exclamation that mean "desire to live and bringhappy to everyone" !it's free!Installation:1)press a free space of your screen until a menu will appear2)select wallpaper3)select live wallpaper4)select Yay live wallpaper5)select use this or use the setting button to set yourpreferencesThanks
Hide Message in Pictures 15.0
Hide Message in Pictures is a simplesteganographic tool that will let you to hide secret text messageinto any photo.It's very useful for secret communication or save hidden messagewithout be detected.With this complete tool you can read and write text message inthe binary code of the image easily , save the new photo and shareit!How to hide a message:1)press "Open" to open a picture with this application2)press "Insert Secret Message" button3)write the secret message and press "Ok"4)press "Save" for the photo.How to read a message:1)press "Open" to open a picture with this application2)Over the photo will appear the secret message.
Automatic - Self Timer Camera 2.0
Using this application you can make selftiming photo at regular interval or single shot . Very useful forgroup photos or time elapse photo with specific panorama.Personally the best use of this application is for take photo ofstar movement , photo of growing blossom and sunset using regulartiming function of this application.How to use : Set your timing pressing the time button , pressstart.
Breakfast Match! ⁂ 3.1
Breakfast Match!The most delicious saga after the candy epoch is HERE !Super awaited by many fans, Breakfast Match is the new 3-matchpuzzle game with a lot of goodies and improvements, it was designedusing the best candy-players suggestions and their style !Forget slowness and boringness of other games, Breakfast Matchis SUPER-YUMMY-FAST , with a lot of CANDY , STARS , BOMBs andFlappy Planes!Gameplays :+Adventure !+Zen Mode !+Puzzle !+Hours of fun!!! Destroy Everythings!Super FREE and super FUN !Enjoy!
Pixel Aquarium Live Wallpaper 3.0
Pixel Aquarium , a special aquarium foryourdevices .Enjoy yourself and build this unique aquarium , add your fish,give them food and watch move for your screen.Low starting price for first 200!5 fish available , more will coming with next free update!Easy and ready to go!how to use:Select your fish with the button at left cornerpress Confirm button at right corner!Use the recycle button to clear all the aquarium !Installation:1)press a free space of your screen until a menu will appear2)select wallpaper3)select live wallpaper4)select Pixel Aquarium Live Wallpaper5)select use this or use the setting button to setyourpreferences
Italian Scooter patent Quiz 1.0
Over 1000 question for train yourselfinItalian Scooter Patent Quiz!Info : This application is in Italian Language.
vEyes Color Detection-Romanian 1.0
Detectarea Culoarea este o viziune scăzutdeservicii de aplicații care face parte din vEyesproiectului(virtuale ochi) și este capabil să identifice culoareîncadrată șiambiental lumina.Aplicația va servi drept suport pentru deficiențe de vederesauorb, astfel încât să le permită să recunoască culoarea, deexemplu,o piesă de îmbrăcăminte pe care intenționați să poarte,sauverifica condițiile de iluminare ambientală, cum ar fi pentruaevita plecarea lit. luca a casei, cu cheltuieli deenergieelectrică.A fost creat proiectul "vEyes" (virtuale ochi) de aaplicacunoștințele de tehnologie de calculator pe dispozitivelemobile de(smartphone, tabletă) și pentru a face cercetare șiexperimentare,în scopul de a crea aplicații noi, îmbunătățireacelor existente șia oferi sprijin pentru utilizatorii cu vedereslabă sau care suntorbi, în etapele vieții.Proiectul este condus de Prof. Maximilian Salfi UniversitateadinCatania și se face în colaborare cu elevii cursului de studiiînInformatică.Detectarea de culoare a fost creat în colaborare cu elevuldeInformatică Marco Gallo.Utilizare cazuri:Pentru cazurile de utilizare avem un telefon Android deja lansatșicare operează în mâinile unei persoane cu vedere slabă,DetectareaCuloarea a fost deja instalat.1) Atingerea dispozitivul primul pas este de a identificaecran.Este o sarcină simplă, deoarece de multe ori pe ecrancorespunde cutelefonul cel mai neted și extins.2) Porniți aplicația;aceasta pare a fi cel mai dificil de realizat, deoarececerereatrebuie să fie ales dintr-un set de aplicatii carecolecteazaapeluri Sertar toate celelalte aplicații de telefon. Și"esteposibil pentru a activa sistemul de telefonie care oferăsuportaccesibilitate tactil și vocal pentru persoanele cuhandicapvizual. Software Accesibilitate pentru Android numitTalkBack. Unmeniu va apărea în ecranul telefonului text, (cerereaeste usor derecunoscut dupa denumire vEyes-Color detecție).3) După ce ați început aplicarea, la prima atingere aecranului,veți auzi vocea de sinteza vorbirii pentru a oferi unscurt ghid deutilizare a aplicației.4) Atingerea ecranului de pe partea stanga se poate ascultalaindicele de luminozitate: luminozitate luminozitateridicatăcorespunde indicelui aplicat la lumina directă a soarelui,în timpce Luminozitate Media low-corespunde doar la lumina unbec.5) Atunci când atingeți ecranul de pe partea dreaptă putețiauzinumele, în italiană, culoarea capturat de camera.Utilizareaoptimăse realizează prin plasarea telefonului la o distanțădeaproximativ 30-60 cm de la obiectul încadrată. Distanțe de maijos,sunt puternic descurajate din cauza cauza detectiilorfalse.6) Software-ul va rămâne activ până când apăsați butonul "BACK/HOME" telefon.Legătura cu vEyes proiectului: http://www.veyes.itContacte: mg.divenire@gmail.comDetection of color isalow vision application service which is part of the projectvEyes(virtual eye) and is able to identify color framed andambientlight.The application will provide support for visually impairedorblind, so as to enable them to recognize color, for example,apiece of clothing you plan to wear, or check ambientlightingconditions, such as to avoid leaving lit. luca housewithelectricity costs.It was created the "vEyes" (virtual eye) to apply knowledgeofcomputer technology on mobile devices (smartphone, tablet) andtodo research and experimentation in order to createnewapplications, improve existing ones and to provide supportforusers with low vision or who are blind in stages.The project is led by Prof. Maximilian University of CataniaSalfand is in collaboration with students of the course of studyinComputer Science.Detection of color was created in collaboration with the studentofComputer Marco Gallo.Use cases:For use cases have already launched an Android phone operatinginthe hands of a person with low vision, color detection hasalreadybeen installed.1) Reaching the device first step is to identify the screen. It isasimple task, because often the screen corresponds to yourmostsmooth and extended.2) Start the application;  this seems to be the most difficult, becausetheapplication must be chosen from a set of applications thatcollectcalls drawer all other phone applications. And 'possibletoactivate the phone system that provides tactile and vocalsupportaccessibility for people with visual disabilities.SoftwareAccessibility TalkBack for Android called. A menu willappear onthe phone screen text (application is easily recognizableby namevEyes-Color detection).3) Once you start the application, the first touch of thescreen,you will hear the voice of speech synthesis to provide abriefguide to use the application.4) Touching the screen on the left side you can listen toindexbrightness: high brightness light corresponds to the indexappliedto direct sunlight, while the low average brightnesscorrespondsonly to light a bulb.5) When you touch the screen on the right you can hear thename,Italian, captured by camera.Utilizarea optimum color isachieved byplacing the phone at a distance of about 30-60 cm fromthe subjectframed. Distances below are strongly discouraged duecause falsedetections.6) The software will remain active until you press the "BACK /HOME"phone.Link to vEyes project: http://www.veyes.itContacts:
Blue Nano Racing 4.0
Warning : This game require apowerfulsmartphone , dual core minimum recommended.☆ Futuristic racing game in nano scale, You control anuniquedesigned machine.☆ Transform your device in portable console.☆ Tilt controls or gamepad control.☆ Multiplayer split screen support using two gamepad !☆ Control your Nano Machine in futuristic tracks full ofobstaclesand enemies for test your ability!☆ 3 Stage for a total of 9 Level in extreme speed.☆ GameMode : Racing Mode , Pursuit Mode, Soccer Mode, TwoPlayerSplitScreen , Single Player , Time Attack.☆ DubStep and Techno music with special light effects!Control your nano machine with your device usingaccelerometerand touchscreen, you can also use your gamepad andyour HDMItv.Can you reach the speed limits?
My Digi Cat 9.0
Pet animals are a big part of our lives.Somepeople treat them as friends, while others treat them asfamily.Pets can also teach us how to become responsible. With MyDigi Catyou can experience taking care of pets right on yourdevice.Features :☆Take care of your digital cat, cuddle, feed and wash him.☆ Enjoy playing with him with "chase the mouse", "jump the rope","room adventure"!☆ Unlock a complete wardrobe to dress your pet!☆ Choose your own digital cat☆Clean the poops of the cat and get a star!☆ Take a screenshot of cat and share it!More features will come soon!Grown it and enjoy your cute virtual cat!2016 RebirthSoftMarco Gallo & Alessandro GuarreraGraphics : Rosario Sucato, Lara Lunardi
Space Maths Invaders 3.0
3 , 2 , 1 , LAUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Protect earth from alien maths invasion and train your brainandyour reflexes in easy way!You can rely on a new kind of HERO : "L'ITALIANO MEDIO".controls : move with accelerometershot : touch the screen anywhereMission : During the math alien invasion in the screen willappearan operation string, you have to shot to the correct answerto gainspeed and power!Who can save the earth?Please if you have bug or suggestion just leave a comment therebutnot leave a negative rate to my games for this.More Update will coming soon.##TO DO : online rankTags: space , maths , invasion , math invaders , space invaders,brain training , train your brain , mind training ,improveconcentration , accelerometer , games
Cici the Duck 5.0
A little adventure with Cici the duckHelp her to find her puppies kidnapped by evil ghost.Controls:Use accelerometer to move Cicipress the screen to shot!A simple little adventure for you and your kids offeredbyArgumentedSoftware
ScaryShot - scary application! 1.0
Scare your Friends with this application!How to use :1) Ask to your friend to take a picture to you usingthisapplication.2) Maximize the phone audio volume2) Tell to him to press "Take a Photo" button3) Start laughing!!!!!!A scary monster will appear on the screen and will scareyourfriend!!!!Very Funny!!
Light Chamber 1.0
An experimental game to test your mindabilityin an incredible gameplay.Pure flat design to give you concentration and the bestgamingexperiences.60 pure level.Rules:Click to change the grid color in sequence ofred,green,white.Let all black sphere reach the green spot creating acolorpath.Avoid the connection of black spheres.Reviews:"This is the kind of game you're going to pass off to yourfriendsand say, ' Hei, you've gotta check this out.' It'sdangerouslyaddictive." - A.U."Made with design purity and simplicity " -- BBClic
Mico the kitten Live Wallpaper 2.0
A cute live wallpaper with Mico ,theplayfulkitten !you can touch Mico to let it mew and play with him!A cute live wallpaper different from all the other!!Installation:1)press a free space of your screen until a menu will appear2)select wallpaper3)select live wallpaper4)select Mico The Kitten live wallpaper5)select use this or use the setting button to setyourpreferencesThank you.
Breakfast Puzzle 3.1
Breakfast Puzzle !The most delicious saga after the candy epoch is HERE !Super awaited by many fans, Breakfast Puzzle is the new3-matchpuzzle game with a lot of goodies and improvements, it wasdesignedusing the best candy-players suggestions and their style !Forget slowness and boringness of other games, BreakfastPuzzleis SUPER-YUMMY-FAST , with a lot of CANDY , STARS , BOMBsandFlappy Planes!Gameplays :+Adventure !+Zen Mode !+Puzzle !+Hours of fun!!! Destroy Everythings!Super FREE and super FUN !Enjoy!
Pixel Aquarium 2.0
Pixel Aquarium , a special aquarium foryourdevices .Enjoy yourself and build this unique aquarium , add your fish,give them food and watch move for your screen.This is NOT the Live Wallpaper version showed in the video ,forLive Wallpaper Version look at and ready to go!how to use:Select your fish with the button at left cornerpress Confirm button at right corner!Use the recycle button to clear all the aquarium !
Reddo Wear Watch Face 1.0
Glamour watchface inspired to famous watchesThis Watchface with polygonal background and black clockhandswill give a glamour touch to your smartwatch.It support Ambient mode with low power energy mode withblackbackground and white clock hands.Unisex for male and female smartwatch users.Enjoy Reddo Watchface.Features+ Compatible with Round and Square Smartwatch.+ Ambient Mode+ Low power mode+ Analog clock hands+ Unisex
Blaccko Watch Face 1.0
Glamour watchface inspired to famous watchesThis Watchface with polygonal background and white clockhandswill give a glamour touch to your smartwatch.It support Ambient mode with low power energy mode withblackbackground and white clock hands.Unisex for male and female smartwatch users.Enjoy Blaccko Watchface.Features+ Compatible with Round and Square Smartwatch.+ Ambient Mode+ Low power mode+ Analog clock hands+ UnisexGlamour Watchfaceinspiredto famous watchesThis Watchface with polygonal background and white clockhandswill give a glamorous touch to your smartwatch.It support Ambient mode with low power energy mode withblackbackground and white clock hands.Unisex for male and female users smartwatch.Enjoy Blaccko Watchface.Features+ Compatible with Round and Square Smartwatch.+ Ambient Mode+ Low power mode+ Analog clock handsUnisex +
Neon Disk Live Wallpaper 4.0
Neon Disk Live Wallpaper the bestFUTURISTICand COOL NEON live wallpaper on the Play Store!you can speed up the glowing disk with your finger, set thecoloryou want and much more!Installation: 1)press a free space of your screen until amenuwill appear2)select wallpaper3)select live wallpaper4)select Neon Disk live wallpaper5)select "use this" or use the "setting" button to setyourpreferences
Neon Flow Live Wallpaper 2.0
Neon Flow for a cool and futuristicanimatedwallpaperthis is part of elemental flow live wallpaper pack.You can speed up the color flowing with your fingerchoice your colorchoice black version of white version [both included]choice the speedInstallation:1)press a free space of your screen until a menu will appear2)select wallpaper3)select live wallpaper4)select Neon Flow live wallpaper5)select use this or use the setting button to setyourpreferencesPerfect fit on galaxy s3 , galaxy s2 , duos , ideos , xperia,liquid and almost all devices !
Flower Live Wallpaper 2.0
A nice rotating flower for your screen!relax yourself with this colorful live wallpaper , it'santi-stress!4 Color available , you can select the speed, or thebackgroundcolorInstallation:1)press a free space of your screen until a menu will appear2)select wallpaper3)select live wallpaper4)select Flower live wallpaper5)select use this or use the setting button to setyourpreferencesThanks
Blue Nano Racing Beta 4.0
☆ Futuristic racing game in nano scale,Youcontrol an unique designed machine.☆ Transform your device in portable console.☆ Tilt controls or gamepad control.☆ Multiplayer split screen support using two gamepad !☆ Control your Nano Machine in futuristic tracks full ofobstaclesand enemies for test your ability!☆ 3 Stage for a total of 9 Level in extreme speed.☆ GameMode : Racing Mode , Pursuit Mode, Soccer Mode, TwoPlayerSplitScreen , Single Player , Time Attack.☆ DubStep and Techno music with special light effects!Control your nano machine with your device usingaccelerometerand touchscreen, you can also use your gamepad andyour HDMItv.Can you reach the speed limits?
vEyes Color Detection 1.0
Color Detection è un applicazione diassistenzavisiva per ipovedenti che fa parte del progetto vEyes(virtual Eyes)ed è capace di identificare il colore inquadrato ela luminositàambientale.L’applicazione servirà quale supporto per utenti ipovedenti,onon vedenti, così da permettere loro di riconoscere il colore,adesempio, di un capo di abbigliamento che si intende indossare,overificare le condizioni di luce ambientale ad esempio perevitaredi lasciare accesa la luca di casa, con dispendio dienergiaelettrica.Il progetto “vEyes” (virtual Eyes) è stato creato perapplicarela conoscenza delle tecnologie informatiche suidispositivi di tipomobile (smartphone, tablet) e per effettuare laricerca e lasperimentazione, al fine di realizzare delle nuoveapplicazioni,migliorare quelle esistenti e fornire supporto adutentiipovedenti, o non vedenti, nelle fasi di vitaquotidiana.Il progetto ha a capo il Prof. Massimiliano Salfi dell'UniversitàdiCatania ed è svolto in collaborazione con gli studenti del CorsodiLaurea in Informatica.Color Detection è stato creato in collaborazione con lo studentediInformatica Marco Gallo.Casi d'uso:Per i casi d'uso avremo un telefono Android già avviato eoperativoin mano ad una persona ipovedente, Color Detection è statagiàistallata.1) Toccando il dispositivo il primo passo da compiere èindividuarelo schermo. E’ un operazione semplice, poiché loschermocorrisponde spesso con la parte più liscia ed estesadeltelefono.2) Avviare l'applicazione;questa risulta essere la parte più difficile da compierepoichél'applicazione deve essere scelta tra un insieme diapplicazionichiamate Drawer che raccolgono tutte le altreapplicazioni deltelefono. E' possibile attivare nel telefono ilsistema diaccessibilità che offre supporto tattile e vocale allepersoneipovedenti. Il software di accessibilità di Android sichiamaTalkBack. Apparirà un menù testuale nello schermo deltelefono,(l'applicazione è facilmente riconoscibile dal nomevEyes-ColorDetection).3) Una volta avviata l'applicazione, al primo tocco dello schermosisentirà la voce di sintesi vocale fornire una breveguidaall'utilizzo dell'applicazione.4) Toccando lo schermo nella parte sinistra è possibileascoltarel'indice di luminosità: La luminosità Alta corrispondeall'indicedi luminosità applicato alla luce diretta del sole,mentre laLuminosità Media-Bassa corrisponde solo alla luce diunalampadina.5) Toccando lo schermo nella parte destra è possibile ascoltareilnome, in lingua italiana, del colore inquadrato dallafotocamera.L’utilizzo ottimale si raggiunge ponendo il telefono adunadistanza di circa 30-60 centimetri dall'oggettoinquadrato.Distanze inferiori sono fortemente sconsigliatepoichéprovocherebbero dei falsi riconoscimenti.6) Il software rimarrà attivo fino alla pressione deltasto“Indietro/Home” del telefono.Link al progetto vEyes: http://www.veyes.itContatti: mg.divenire@gmail.comColor Detection isanapplication of visual assistance for the visually impaired whichispart of the project vEyes (virtual Eyes) and is able toidentifythe color of the ambient light and framed.The application will serve as a support for thevisuallyimpaired, or blind, so as to enable them to recognize thecolor,for example, an article of clothing you intend to wear, orcheckthe ambient light conditions such as to avoid leaving lit lucaofthe house, with expenditure of electrical energy.The project "vEyes" (virtual Eyes) was created to applyknowledgeof information technology on mobile type devices(smartphones,tablets) and to make the research and experimentationin order tocreate new applications, improve existing ones andprovide supportfor users with low vision, or blind, in the earlystages oflife.The project is headed by Prof. Massimiliano Salfi UniversityofCatania and is carried out in collaboration with the studentsofthe degree course in Computer Science.Color Detection was created in collaboration with theComputerScience student Marco Gallo.Use Cases:For the use cases we will have an Android phone already startedandoperating in the hands of a person with low vision, ColorDetectionhas already been installed.1) Touching the device the first step is to identify the screen.It'a simple task, as the screen is often the most smooth andextendedthe phone.2) Start the application; this turns out to be the most difficult to accomplishbecausethe application must be chosen from a set of applicationsthatcollect calls Drawer all other applications on your phone.And'possible to activate the phone system that offerssupportaccessibility for visually disabled users tactile and vocal.Thesoftware accessibility of Android is called TalkBack. A menuwillappear in the text screen of the phone (the application iseasilyrecognizable by name vEyes-Color Detection).3) Once the application is started, at the first touch of thescreenyou will hear the voice of speech synthesis to provide abrief guideto using the application.4) Touching the screen on the left side you can listen to theindexof brightness: The brightness High brightness corresponds totheindex applied to the direct light of the sun, while theLow-Mediumbrightness is only in the light of a light bulb.5) Touching the screen on the right you can listen to the name,inItalian, the color captured by the camera. Optimal use isachievedby placing the phone at a distance of about 30-60 cm fromtheobject framed. Smaller distances are strongly discouragedbecauseit would result in false recognitions.6) The software will remain active until you press the button"Back/ Home" of the phone.Link to project vEyes: http://www.veyes.itContacts: mg.divenire @
Air Messages Pro 2.5.1
Air Message© technologies bring a kindofcommunication : geospatial messages between users. This isacompletly revolutionary idea that mix maps, social networkandinstant messangers ideas.The App has been released for the first time on BlackBerry BetaZoneand thousands of users have tried it. The developer hasrecieveduseful feedbacks and he has improved his new App that isalmostready for the release.The main idea is the geospatial communication. Users canchatfreely and throw messages (there is also the possibility tothrowhidden messages).If an user picks a message it will disappear. He/She can pickamessage only if he/she is in range of ~100km from it and thenreadthe hidden message inside.Every user can throw a message away randomly, indeed themessagescan travel around the world with users’ help! If a messageis verypopular…something will happen!There are five types of icons to indicate the messagepresenceand the geographical position on the global map. MoreoverMarco hasimproved map stability and speed.Offensive users can be permanently banned from the app,everyuser can help our team to remove bad contents through the“report”button.Users can looking for friends around the globe through“BBMPin”.There is also an Advertising program: Business owners canpromotetheir business with their custom pins for a very specialprice.Using this app you accept the Terms of Serviceslistedhere: and changelog:+You can meet friends around the world and share your BBMpins+User can chat freely in every message+You can pick a message and read the hidden message inside ifyou'rein range of ~100km from it.+If you pick a message it will disappear.+Hub Notifications (just leave the app minimized! )+You can throw a message away from you randomly, open a chatwithusers around the world. If a message become verypopular..something will happen!+ "BBM Pin" for easily search for friends around the globe!+ Whatsapp, Telegram and Facebook pins for let peopleknowyou.+ Air Message Advertise Program: Business owners can promotetheirbusiness with their custom pins for a very special price.Air Messages team reject the responsability on yourcontents:user contents are unmoderated.Please be polite and correct.Using this app you accept the Terms of Serviceslistedhere:
~ Simple Sharing Server ~ 1.0
A simple HTML wlan Server that permit touserto share a particular folder between other users connectedtowlan, no more wire needed!!how start server :1)connect to your wifi connection2)select your port (or use default 64000)3)select the folder to share4) press ON/OFF buttonhow read the file:1) open default browser and go to YourIp:YourPortexample192.168.1.1:640002) just select your file !Really Easy!ArgumentedSoftware
Low Battery GPS locator 2.0
"Oh no?? where is my precious phone??I'velostit!"Have you ever lost your phone for days and at end it was atyourparent house?You cannot contact your partners because the phoneexhaust and you are really worried where he is?With this application you have just to wait that the batteryreachlow level (15%) and your will receive a mail with gpscoordinateand google maps link of your phone location.It required a VALID GMAIL ( you can easily create itat for this intent ) account for sendtheemail.
Pumpkin Party 1.0
Join the next halloween party as the pumpkinZukka.Your mission is to crush all insects, collect their juice andinsert it into the magic pot to feed the evil doll Brena in lessthan a minute!You can do it? I doubt!If you didn't feed the Brena .. he feed of you! Better run!Full 3D Graphics and fun smashing halloween theme adventure!Move use analog stick,press the stick to jump,press Crush!! to smash the insectRemember: you must fill the evil pot with the touch of your magicwand!
Neon Disk Live Wallpaper Lite 1.0
Neon Disk Live Wallpaper the best FUTURISTICand COOL NEON live wallpaper on the market!you can speed up the glowing disk with your finger, set thecolor you want and much more!Installation:1)press a free space of your screen until a menu will appear2)select wallpaper3)select live wallpaper4)select Neon Disk live wallpaper5)select "use this" or use the "setting" button to set yourpreferencesThanks
Mystery Disk Live Wallpaper 1.0
Mystery Disk Live Wallpaper inspiredtofantastic monster rancher anime!"Legend says that before the world's continents broke upintopieces, a huge disaster hit the world. People prayed for help,andnew life was created. However, new life forms brought newtroubles,so the people became exasperated and sealed them into"MysteryDisc's". Many years have passed since then. Today peoplestillcontinue searching for these missing "disc's" to unlockthecreatures within. "A must have for anime fansYou can select the speed , or stop the rotation of mysterydisk,you can select the color and much more!Installation:1)press a free space of your screen until a menu will appear2)select wallpaper3)select live wallpaper4)select Monster Rancher live wallpaper5)select use this or use the setting button to setyourpreferencesThanks